Deliveries are performed on the italian territory, islands included, as well as abroad.

The estimate for product delivery is 3-4 working days starting from the acceptance of the placed order by Fattoria Triboli, unless otherwise indicated during the purchase and before its completion with the order transfer. In any case, with deliveries outside of the Italian borders, delivery estimates may vary.

As for what concernes deliveries requested in countries outside of the European Union, any potential customs import fees will be charged to the recipient. Customers are therefore invited to pre-emptively reach out to the Customs Authorities of their country to  verify costs and potential limits of importation.

The delivery estimates expressed are to be considered as purely indicative and delays, or deliveries performed with split shipments do not legitimate the Customer to the refusal of the delivery and to requests of refunds or compensation. Products will be delivered to the shipping address that the Customer enters in the order form that's transferred electronically at the moment of purchase.

Fattoria Triboli reserves the right to split shipments. Delivery fees are charged to the recipient. In the event of a damaged or obviously mishandled package, we advise the Customer to not accept the package and promptly reach out to us via email to the address

In the event of a delivery that cannot be performed for the absence of the recipient at the indicated address at the moment of delivery, the courier will deposit a notice of passage in the mailbox. The courier will then perform a second attempt at delivery. After two failed delivery attempts, the package will reimain availble within the courier's premises for five days following the second notice of passage. After that it will be sent back to Fattoria Triboli. Our Customer Service will promptly reach out to the Customer, via email, to inform them of the failed delivery and to arrange the terms of a new shipment.

The Customer therefore accepts that, should there not be a reply to the Customer Service e-mail, following three months from the day the package was shipped back to Fattoria Triboli, the contract will be intended as resolved by rights as dictated by art. 1456 c.c. Once resolved the contract, Fattoria Triboli will proceed to completely refund the whole amount as paid by the Customer, witholding the cost of the returning shipment to Fattoria Triboli, as well as any other potential expenses encountered because of the missed delivery, as well as the penalty fine.

The resolution of the contract and the total amount of the refund will be communicated to the Customer via e-mail. In the event of a delay in the delivery of the Product, the Customer can reach out to the Customer Service by sending an email to the address in order to obtain information on their shipment and submit a claim. The Customer, other rights recognized by law withstanding, is allowed to cancel the order if the delivery, once twelve working days have passed after the estimated delivery date, is not performed, or to cancel the order if the delivery is performed after the deadline.

The clause can not be applied in the event that the missed or delayed delivery are caused by circumstances beyond one's control. In both cases, Fattoria Triboli will proceed to refund the Customer of the total amount paid by them for the product.

Products purchased can not be returned to the society Fattoria Triboli.


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